Inbound Insurance Calls: The New Viral Marketing

Using inbound calls to generate the best word of mouth insurance lead marketing to help your agency grow through traditional and social media viral marketing

May 26, 2015

A on-going challenge for any insurance agency is building and maintaining growth and doing so in a cost effective manner.  Most insurance agents are inundated by calls, emails, direct mail and other “special” offers to help them grow their book of business from marketing companies, SEO companies and more.  These companies offer everything from bus wraps and internet leads to radio commercial and online marketing/seo.  They do so without any guarantee of success that you will quote anyone, let alone write a new policy.  Many of these companies want you to believe in the “Field of Dreams philosophy” of ‘if you build it, he will come’.  Unfortunately, this is risky and rarely pays off in the long run.  The true solution is inbound insurance calls, having your phone ring with people who have been pre-qualified and guaranteed to want an insurance quote from you and your agency.

Once you have these consumers on the phone with you, you will have an opportunity to win their business and get them to be your advocate with their friends and family.  The key to accomplishing this is to provide them with such a great experience that they refer their co-workers, friends and family, regardless if they decided to let you write their policy.  Then in turn, these people with tell their co-worker, friends and family, essentially you agency will go ‘viral’.  For this to happen, it all starts with inbound insurance calls or live insurance leads.

According to American Express, “American’s tell an average of 9 people about a good experience” and “according to Nielsen, 92% of consumers believe recommendations from family and friend.  These two facts are important because if someone has a good experience with your agency getting a quote, they will tell their friends and family and those friends and family will likely buy based on that recommendation or word of mouth marketing. 

Everyday, insurance agents should try to talk with as many new people as possible.  Agents should strive to have great conversations and interactions with those people and hope that they in turn tell their family and friends about their experience.  Telling their family and friends can come in the form of traditional word of mouth or via social media postings.  In either case, your agency will get more calls and business from people talking about you!

Purchasing inbound calls or live transfers (sometimes called live insurance leads) from a company that offers a pay-per-call solution is both effective and efficient.  There is a guarantee of the number of calls the insurance agent will get each day, the rate per call and that the insurance lead wants a quote.  Purchasing inbound calls and providing the highest possible customer experience is best way to write more policies and grow your agency.

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