How to hold an Insurance Lead Marathon

The Newest Strategy for Growing your Insurance Sales and Book of Business

July 29, 2016

The newest insurance marketing strategy, that is being utilized by many insurance agencies to grow their book of business, is a insurance Lead Marathon.  The insurance Lead Marathon is an effort to put 100% of your efforts into prospecting, quoting and writing business for an entire day.  During the normal course of business, we get distracted, pulled away and have to deal with many “urgent” needs of our clients and business colleagues.  During an insurance lead marathon, you have a singular focus.  Like in a running marathon, your single objective, the finish line or writing more business.

The following are the keys elements or things you should do to make your insurance lead marathon a success.

1. Decide on when the lead marathon is going to be held.  The biggest and most successful agencies hold lead marathons on a weekly basis, if you are new to this strategy, you should initially hold once a month or bi-weekly.  Once you have successfully held a few, you should schedule them weekly going forward.

2. Work with your home, life, health or auto insurance lead vendor to request an increase in leads for the day you are holding your marathon.  You should order as many auto and home insurance leads and calls as possible.  This will help you to be as productive as possible.  Your rule of thumb should be 20-25 per person.  There is no reason you shouldn’t be able to quote a minimum of two leads per hour.

3. Notify your staff of the lead marathon and let them know they should plan on being in the office early and staying late.  You should plan on holding the marathon from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm to maximize your activity and results.  You should tell your producers that they should not have any meetings or calls scheduled.  100% of everyone's time should be focused on the activities related to the marathon.  If you are an agent that works alone, while you can do a marathon on your own, you might want to consider asking others in your office or colleagues to participate with you.

4. Have food brought in and plenty of snacks.  This is a marathon, which means no breaks.  You should have plenty of food, snacks and drinks available so that you can be 100% focused on working your home, life and auto insurance calls and leads.  The fewer breaks or distractions you have means you will have more time to be talking with more prospects, quoting and writing more business.

5. Stay focused.  Do not answer emails, voicemails and other requests unless they are related to the lead marathon and the insurance buyers you are quoting.  The more you can be focused on your sales activities, the more successful you will be during the marathon.

6. While your objective is to quote and write as many auto and home insurance policies as possible during the day, you should expect that some of the leads will require you to follow up or nurture until they close.  Some of the leads may also not be available when you call, so you will need to call back another time.  In addition to calling the leads, you should email and text, to maximize your contact during the day.

7. Set a marathon goal or target, with team and individual goals and associated rewards.  Salespeople do better when there is public recognition and rewards.  Make sure you take pictures and celebrate your results that day and after the marathon.

8. Plan to move quick.  Real-time internet leads are just that, they are sent to you within seconds of being submitted online.  You need to call quickly and make sure you are the first person the lead speaks with .  If it is an insurance live transfer, you need to realize the person is on the go and needs to be helped immediately.  The benefit of moving quick is it will allow you to quote and write more policies throughout the day.

9. Track your performance and activities.  Track how many leads and calls come in, how many emails you send out, how many calls go out, how many people you quote and how many policies you write.  The more you track, the more you can make each marathon better than the one before.

10. Provide feedback to your home and auto insurance lead provider with the specific and detailed results.  Each time you have a lead marathon in your office you should let your insurance lead vendor know what the results were.  You should work with them to continuously improve your results each time you hold a marathon event.

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Insurance Infographic

the importance of being quick and following up with internet leads

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