10 Things Insurance Agents can do to Improve their Close Ratios and Write more Insurance Policies

June 06, 2016

Many agents, as they are working to improve their performance and sell more insurance policies, from the insurance leads or insurance calls that they are buying, ignore some of the “softer” things that they do everyday that can have a huge impact.  Even a small improvement in these things can improve their life and business success.

1. Wake up everyday ready to go!  Getting a good night's sleep will allow you to wake up full of energy and ready to sell some insurance policies.  Most medical professionals recommend that you get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep a night.  Plan your schedule so that your body is well rested everyday.  The more energy you have, the more insurance calls and more insurance leads you will be able to work and close.

2. Smile.  We all like to do business with happy people.  Smile when you are on the phone, when you are talking with coworkers and when you are around town.  Being a happy person is infectious and will make the people you interact with more willing to want to be around you and do business with you.  Smiling will also make you feel good.  When you smile when you talk with a home insurance lead, they will sense it and be more

3. Eat a healthy diet.  Eating less junk food and a healthy well-balanced diet will make you feel good and have the energy to do more everyday.  We are all very busy and many of us depend on fast food because of it’s convenience, cost and speed.  Taking a few minutes everyday to plan your meals, with an emphasis on nutrition, will help you eat better, save money and be more healthy overall.

4. Show appreciation.  Saying thank you to your clients, coworkers, vendors and others you come into contact everyday will show people you care.  When people feel you appreciate them, they will go the extra effort to help you.  A simple thank you can brighten someone’s day and also make you feel good!  When you thank your clients for doing business with you, when you ask them for a referral, they will more likely want to do it.

5. Establish long and short term targets or goals.  Have a goal everyday on how many people you want to quote, how many referrals you get or anything else measurable.  Having achievable goals everyday will give you a roadmap for success.  Longer term goals, that are measurable and achievable, will be something that you work towards as well.  Your daily goals should be in support of your long term goals.

6. Celebrate your success and the success of others.  When you have goals, you will have something to celebrate.  When you achieve your goals, have a party, take a trip or buy yourself or your team a gift.  Rewarding and celebrating your success and the success of the people around you, will give you something to look forward to and make you push a bit harder everyday to achieve them.  

7. Exercise regularly.  For many of us, we spend a majority of our day, sitting in a chair behind our desk and get limited exercise while at work.  Exercising will help you to keep healthy and have more energy.  You can then use this energy to make more calls and get more done towards achieving your goals.  For some of you, scheduling exercise will help you to make sure you have time for it.

8. Help others.  When we help others, we feel better about ourselves and more people will want to be around us.  Helping people find the best insurance coverage or best insurance rates is part of our job, however when we do it, we are truly helping our clients.  When we help people, others will want to help you. They will want to give you referrals, recommend employees, write a positive online review and so much more.

9. Push yourself to do a little more everyday.  If you made 10 calls yesterday to your existing client base to ask for referrals today, tomorrow call 11.  If you purchased 3 auto insurance leads yesterday, buy 4 today.  Everyday work hard to do a little more, that extra effort will help you achieve your goals.

10. Be optimistic.  Looking at the world like ‘the glass that is half full’ rather than ‘half empty’ will enable you to be optimistic and positive in your everyday dealings with clients, insurance leads, vendors, co-workers and more.  When you are optimistic and positive, there will be no limit to what you will be able to achieve.  Go into work everyday thinking, ‘I’m going to have the best close ratio on my auto insurance leads today!’

11 Secrets to Closing more Insurance Leads

June 02, 2016

As an insurance agent, buying and working insurance leads, it is important to close as many as possible, to make sure you earn the best possible return on your investment or lead purchase.  The following are 11 secrets to closing more of the leads.  Keep them in mind as you work your insurance leads and refer back to them periodically, to make sure you don’t revert back to old habits. 

1. Speed.  Move fast.  The moment a lead comes in, call them, email them and send a text message.  Your speed and tenacity will show the insurance lead that you want to earn their business.  You may not reach them on the initial call, leave a voicemail message, call back a second or third time.  Your effort will be rewarded.  Some agents just want the ‘easy’ sale, if you are willing to work for it, you will write the business.

2. Technology and social media.  Become a master at using technology and social media.  Keep your Facebook page up to date, connect with clients and prospects, share articles and stories.  Tweet tips on safe driving and how to find the best auto insurance coverage.  Post pictures of your happy clients on Instagram.  The better social media presence you have, the more likely your leads will want to do business with you.

3. Google yourself often.  When was the last time you Googled yourself and your phone number?  Do you know what comes up?  The first thing most people do is Google the person they are looking to do business with.  You should see what people are saying about you and make sure that there are positive reviews and recommendations from people you sold home insurance, auto insurance, life insurance and all the types of insurance you offer.  You will want to know what insurance leads will see about you, before they do.

4. Be willing to help everyone.  Some agents have a specific demographic that they like to work with and if the insurance lead doesn’t fit within that ‘box’, they tend to not work as hard to earn the business.  This is a mistake.  You should work hard to win every bit of business you can and have a diverse portfolio of clients.  The larger client base you have, the more referrals you will receive and the more business you will generate.  When you treat everyone like they are the most important prospect to you, you will write more business.

5. Get to know the person, find something you have in common.  People like to do business with people that have an interest in them.  Insurance is about trust.   As you are working a home or auto insurance lead, get to know the client.  If you learn that they just bought a new car for the very first time, tell the lead about your first car.  If it is a parent looking for insurance for one of their children, share some tips on what they can do to get the best rate.  The more time you invest getting to know the insurance lead, the more likely you will build their trust and earn their insurance business.

6. Work with the insurance lead on the quote to find one that will work.  Insurance is extremely competitive.  Many insurance agents operate with a ‘take it or leave it’ attitude.  They will provide a life insurance or home insurance quote and if the lead doesn’t immediately take it, they end the conversation with a simple, ‘let me know if you change your mind’.  Insurance agents should determine what they can do to modify the quote, to make it work for the lead. The more you show you are willing to work for the lead, the more willing they will be to do business with you.

7. Offer discounts and bundle.  The more you show that you are willing to work for the insurance lead, to find them the best coverage and rate insurance package, the more willing they will be willing to work with you.  Offer every discount that you can, seek to bundle the policy to save the lead money or provide better coverage.  The more time you invest with the lead, the more policies you will close.

8. Work with your insurance lead company.  View your insurance lead company as your business partner.  Develop a cooperative relationship with your insurance lead company staff.  These relationships will enable you to learn about new products sooner, they will help you get your returns processed faster and make your experience go smoother.  If you have an adversarial relationship with your lead company, you will miss out on many new opportunities.

9. Leads are forever.  Once you speak with a lead, it is your lead until the person tells you to stop contacting them.  If you don’t write a policy on the first conversation, follow-up on a regular basis.  You should nurture or communicate with the insurance lead periodically so that when they are ready to buy, you will be top of mind.  Send the lead newsletters, share articles, connect on social media and more.  Be creative and original with your interactions and you will be rewarded for your efforts with a new client..

10. Don’t give up.  Insurance calls and leads work.  You just might need to work with your insurance lead company to make sure they can work for you.  You may receive a few auto insurance leads that are not ideal, you may speak with someone who changed their mind about wanting a quote.  The key is to not give up and throw your arms in the air and say, ‘insurance leads don’t work’, they do.

11. Never, ever, stop learning.  You can always get better.  You can always close more insurance leads.  You should seek to continuously improve your skills by learning from co-workers, competitors and others in the industry.  If you manage a team, you should train your staff and provide refreshers on a regular basis.  The more you train and practice, the better you will get at closing life, home and auto insurance leads.

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